Hello, I'm a full-stack developer!

Jonathan Paredes

Web Designer and Developer

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Jonathan engages in freelance work and harbors a passion for both computers and outdoor activities. While these two interests may seem contrasting, that's just the way it is. One of his notable accomplishments is the creation of a mock exam service, designed to assist individuals interested in passing their contractor's exam in the state of California. Targeted specifically towards the Spanish-speaking community. You can find more information about it here.


Born 1995


I find joy in art, music, and playing both the piano and guitar. Prioritizing a healthy life-work balance is a daily commitment. Whether I'm at my desk one minute or pushing through an intense gym session the next. Weekends offer a chance to immerse myself in the beauty of nature, like hiking or fishing. However, above all these things, nothing surpasses the satisfaction I derive from coding.

On the web